Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Halloween is here and everyone is in a frenzy to have the best costume, but best is defined as what exactly? Is it the most creative or the one with the best accessories or is it the one that bares the least?
Come on you all know what I am getting at. With every year that goes by Halloween becomes more of a fascination amongst the young. The thrill of being scared, the candy, the uniqueness of the celebration. How many times during the year can you dress up as whatever and it's OK. Only on saint Hallows eve.

It's the day when your imagination runs wild and some say it to be the day when you get to be someone else. You can be that person you really want to be with no fear of judgment because it's a costume, but judgment is passed regardless. Especially in modern times.

Costumes have turned in to point of argument and discussion mostly amongst young females. Where do you draw the line when expressing your other self in a costume. Is it OK to wear almost nothing just because it's halloween and thats your costume?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Jimmy John's Commercial

I noticed this commercial on TV the other day. So I think, maybe a soap commercial or shampoo. Not a Jimmy Johns commercial. I mean come on. Since when do we need to see women in the shower and dropping their towels to get us to buy a sand which. And she doesn't seem to mind that her towel is off since she's smiling and you get a glimpse of her foot as she cocks it to the side.
It could be that I am also a woman which is why it seems a bit wrong that her body is being used to sell food. Yes I very much understand that this happens in the media every day but that doesn't mean we need to over look it.